Friday, November 6, 2020

What Covid Has Been Like on Campus


Above is me and my roommate at a Kentucky Wildcats football game. We try to make things as normal as possible while still following CDCs guidelines and being safe. The university makes this possible! Covid has caused society to quarantine and pretty much be shut out from the rest of the earth. Society has had to figure out how to live with this virus and try to go back to actually living. Of course, it won't be completely the same because we still must follow guidelines, however, it is always nice to get out, enjoy nature, and hang with friends! Just like old times.

Covid Vaccines and Global Cooperation


    Producing and delivering Covid vaccines is a global endeavor because the entire world must work together if we want to help tame this virus. The entire world right now is hoping that one day scientist can find a cure for it. The countries that produce successful vaccines for their people will also have to ship the vaccine to other countries thousands of miles away- in very low temperatures. Moreover, in order for these vaccines to work, they must be at extremely low temperatures. Therefore when the vaccines are being shipped around the world a lot of dry ice is going to be needed. Countries around the world will have to contribute and meet the demands of the need of mass production of dry ice. Furthermore, some countries are trying to get a head start with finding a successful vaccine for the coronavirus, even if that means they haven't reached phase 3 trials. The India Serium Institue isn't 100% sure if their vaccine is safe and effective. However, they have limitedly released the vaccine to certain persons. Some countries are desperate for this virus to end. This has caused countries to put on vaccines as fast as they can, even if they aren't sure if the vaccine is 100% safe.

A Picture of Dry Ice.

If China Released a Covid-19 Vaccine that is Superior to any Other Vaccine in the World

If China were to release the first vaccine for Covid-19, I believe this would cause much controversy around the world. As much of us know, the Coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China. Many believe that the Chinese government actually started the virus. There are rumors that the virus was created in a lab and released upon the people. If this rumor is already in the air, if the Chinese come up with a cure in a way such as a vaccine, this might contribute reality to this rumor. One may think, how is it that they were the first to have cases (China) and now they are the first to have the cure (vaccine)? This can possibly be seen as China had the vaccine the whole time, that they could be waiting to release it to the public.

What Covid Has Been Like on Campus

  Above is me and my roommate at a Kentucky Wildcats football game. We try to make things as normal as possible while still following CDCs g...