With the coronavirus being so new, experts come upon new information daily. With new research emerging, this causes experts to change some of their statements and information that they've released on the virus. For example, when the virus first hit U.S grounds, some of the early CDC'S recommendations were only certain people should be getting tested, considering tests were not as available at the time as they are now. The CDC stated "If you have been in close contact (within 6 feet) of a person with a COVID-19 infection for at least 15 minutes but do not have symptoms, you do not necessarily need a test unless you are a vulnerable individual or your health care provider or State or local public health officials recommend you take one." Now, their recommendations completely conflict that. The CDC now recommends for anyone who has come into contact with someone who is infected should get tested. This may cause confusion to the public because the guidelines are constantly changing with new information being reported. some may still be following old guidelines, maybe because they haven't seen the updated guidelines, or they don't know what to go by, the old or the new?
Friday, September 11, 2020
A Little About Me
How has corona affected me and my family? It has affected us tremendously. Me and my sister actually tested positive for corona, requiring us to quarantine ourselves for 14 days. This caused us to not see our family for a while. Furthermore, when the 14 days were up, some of our family members were hesitant about seeing us, extending the days even longer. Also, my great grandmother is in the nursing home, and governor Beshear required for nursing homes to have no visitations. Me and my family haven't been able to see our nana in months, and this has deeply saddened us.
President Trump and the Coronavirus
After the CDC recommended everyone to wear a mask, here you can see the president of the United States refusing to wear one. What is this telling the people? This may cause one to think, if my president isn't going to wear a mask then why should I? The president even went as far as saying that the coronavirus was a hoax! This causes division among the people because some will follow the CDCs guidelines, however, some people will follow the president, going against the CDCs recommendations.
Shortages in Supplies Cause Tension Between Customers
The coronavirus has put the world in a tough place. Supplies, food, and products are running out fast. Many people stocked up on supplies and food causing extreme scarcity all over the world. Limitations were soon put on supplies in order for more people to be able to have access to them. As seen in the photo, a mother and daughter had stacked up on toilet paper leaving no more left. Another customer voiced her opinion showing her frustration, and eventually, it leads to a fight.
What Covid Has Been Like on Campus
Above is me and my roommate at a Kentucky Wildcats football game. We try to make things as normal as possible while still following CDCs g...
Question 1: Question 1 - Do you think the internet has any impact on the social contagion of health habits related to diet and exercise? ...
If I were in charge of distributing the Covid-19 vaccine to all of the residents of Fayette County, my go-to would be to use the military to...
Above is me and my roommate at a Kentucky Wildcats football game. We try to make things as normal as possible while still following CDCs g...